Travelers are recommended to avoid any unnecessary trips through these areas and should exercise extreme caution if they absolutely must travel.

The areas likely to be experiencing roadway flooding are highlighted on the Houston TranStar traffic map. CURRENT WEATHER ALERTS: A Flash Flood Watch is in effect through Friday afternoon for the Greater Houston Area and most of Southeast Texas.

We have been serving our customers faithfully for over 20 years. Tags Federal Emergency Management Agency Harris County Flood Control District harvey Houston flooding hurricane Hurricane Harvey john culberson Underground tunnels News Temporary Dump In Storm. 'A lot of our efforts are still in recovery and emergency repair. a spokesperson for the Harris County Flood Control District. Note that the warning areas do not confirm the presence of roadway flooding but do identify areas where the risk of roadway flooding is high. Interactive Mapping Tools keep the residents of Harris County and the City of Houston informed, help Flood Control District employees do their jobs and. Fawn Creek emergency plumber open 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Flash Flooding In Houston Sparks Memories Of Hurricane Harvey. departments have been activated to respond to a severe weather emergency. The system uses a comprehensive network of sensors to estimate areas of roadway flooding risk. Officials in the Houston area said the possibility of our area seeing flash flooding is their main concern. Houston TranStar, in cooperation with the Harris County Flood Control District's Flood Warning System, has developed a roadway flood warning system to alert travelers of areas where roadway flooding risk is high during rain events.

Frequent heavy rainfall events make roadway flooding a concern for travelers throughout the Houston region. Published Texas FOX 26 Houston HOUSTON - On Friday, Governor Greg Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to activate additional state emergency response resources ahead of heavy rainfall and a heightened threat of flash flooding across the state this weekend.